Apt. 2B Baking Co. | branding & packaging

Apt2B_allApt2B_LPressCards Apt2B_BuisCards Apt2B_stickers Yossy (pronounced yaw-see) of Apt. 2B is the best ever. She's pretty much my bestie and I love her for many many reasons. The main one being that she makes incredible sweets-and-treats and I like to eat them. Yossy and I may live on opposite coasts, but that hasn't stopped us from working together on a few little projects. Oh, the wonders of email and the interwebs!

Above you will see the logo, business collateral and packaging materials that BDR-studio designed for Apt. 2B.

You can also see more of my work, and Yossy's tasty treats, here at her shop, or here on her blog.

[photos taken by Yossy of Apt. 2B]

Ming Bling | Business Cards

MingBling_01MingBling_02 Word-of-mouth is my hero. Just before the Christmas-time I sent an email to everyone I know ... even some people that I don't know ... to promote my business. A friend forwarded my mass email to another friend, and that friend happened to own a small business in Ketchum, Idaho called Ming. Mindy at Ming bought some cards and loved them (yay!). Then she was like, hey, can you print my business cards (designed by Nicole Skillern), and I was like yeah, that would be great!

So la-te-da, here you have them! A big thank you to Mindy for your business!

[photo taken by BDR-studio]