Apt. 2B Baking Co. | branding & packaging

Apt2B_allApt2B_LPressCards Apt2B_BuisCards Apt2B_stickers Yossy (pronounced yaw-see) of Apt. 2B is the best ever. She's pretty much my bestie and I love her for many many reasons. The main one being that she makes incredible sweets-and-treats and I like to eat them. Yossy and I may live on opposite coasts, but that hasn't stopped us from working together on a few little projects. Oh, the wonders of email and the interwebs!

Above you will see the logo, business collateral and packaging materials that BDR-studio designed for Apt. 2B.

You can also see more of my work, and Yossy's tasty treats, here at her shop, or here on her blog.

[photos taken by Yossy of Apt. 2B]