Because Everyone Deserves a Lifetime

Because Everyone Deserves a Lifetime | bothI have partnered with Marissa Bower (a dear friend of mine) to help raise money the for the fight against breast cancer. From now until October 31st, I will donate 40% of all proceeds towards Marissa's goal of $2,300.

In order for me to have proceeds, I need you to buy something :) So, please do your part and visit my shop.

Here is a message from Marissa herself: Last year my Mom and I took on the challenge of the 3 Day Walk for Breast Cancer. Together we raised over $6,000 and shared the most moving yet challenging 3 days of our lives.

This year we are taking on San Diego!!! WOO HOO!!! We will be walking 60 miles again in 3 days all through out beautiful San Diego from November 19th-21st. We will be walking side by side with a majority of our team from last year, "Save our Sisters" .

I have already begun training and will continue to train and raise money all summer long. We have all agreed to individually raise $2,300 in just 3 months! This is a huge commitment so please take the time to read through the website and forward this email to your friends and family. We walk to support all of the many who have been affected by breast cancer and for all of our moms, grandmas, nieces, aunts, sisters, cousins, daughters, friends, and loved ones. Anything you can do to help will be bring me one step closer to achieving my goal!

Thank you for your support, Marissa