This HappenedI've been in training at real work for the past two days. I think I learned something yesterday, but today -- no. Nothing. I don't get it. But whateves, I did make this, don't tell :) If anyone asks, I am totally exporting cfg's and dif's ... whatever those are?


new year, new you The holidays are OVER, thank the lord! I am sure you all think I am crazy, but I don't mind, the holidays for me are more than overwhelming. 1. my business is always a bit cray-cray. 2. my family is huge so there are a lot of events. 3. all my friends from childhood have left Seattle so they all come back and I want to see them all, all the time, and I cannot, and it bugs me.

So, here is to the new year. I don't have any resolutions, but maybe I will consider something. The tabloids are telling me to get skinnier, but I don't think that's a good idea. Maybe I will try and work less, or keep my house clean or something. We'll see.