Just Around the River Bend

AlmostTimeIt feels like Christmas. Maybe not for any of you, but for me it's in full effect. 1. When you work as a designer in retail, you work 6 months out, therefore Christmas started in July. 2. When you work as a designer for you own company, Christmas re-starts in August, and is bustling by October. So now you can see how it feels like Christmas for me.

Anyway, to get to my point. It's just about time for me to get my Etsy shop up and running -- my goal is to have it up by Friday. Hip hip hooray!

The Opposite of a Lazy Sunday

Print01Lots to Trim Treasure + Bond | trimmed Yesterday was a long day of printing. I had planned to print on Friday, but got caught up on the computer. Then I was going to print Saturday, but decided that watching football and dressing up prematurely for Halloween was a better use of my time. So that left me with 8 jobs to print -- on what would usually be a lazy Sunday. But lazy it was not! I got everything done and still managed to go grocery shopping and have dinner with my parents. It was like a time warp and it was awesome.

Funday Friday // workin'!

Vandy PolaroidIt's a good thing that I love the work that I do, because this weekend is going to be full of it! This is the final push to gear up for the Holidays, so wish me luck -- I've got a lot to get done!