the start of something good

Ash+Brett | BlindEmbossAshleigh is a good friend of a friend that has turned into a friend. We met a few years ago at Eva's bachelorette party, then met again and again, and now look -- she's getting hitched and I get to design her wedding invitations (and save the dates)!!!

I can't show the save-the-date in it's entirety yet. I think there are a few people who read this who will be receiving one, and I don't want to ruin the surprise.

So consider this a sneak peak and stay tuned for more -- I am going to start working on the wedding suite this week, so excited to see how it all comes together!

Procrastination Station

Color+Pattern_dsktI have a lot to do right now. Finish a website, design a bike kit (also know as the spandex outfit bike racers wear), get my holiday stuff up on Etsy, package my stock holiday stuff to ship to New York (yes! it's been sold, ya!!!), meet with a few clients to talk about custom holiday projects, design some cards for Hanukkah, design a custom card line for Treasure & Bond, design two wedding invitation suites, what else ... I guess I need to do my real job too, you know, that one that I spend most of my time at.

Ah well, I know I will get all of this done, so last night instead of actually doing this I ate a popcorn dinner while watching Modern Family, and I made you this. It's a little cray-cray, but it was fun. So here -- if you want it on your desktop like it is mine, you will click right here, right meow!


pigeonI love pigeons. Most people hate them, a probably because they can be described like this (thank you Urban Dictionary): "A small feathered creature that eats french fries and like to defaecate on top of people, cars and important things. A subspecies of bird. Also known as the feathered rat or gutter bird."

Whateves. Did you also know that they are Rock Doves, you hear that, doves (classy, right!)? And back in the day people didn't hate them and they fed them snacks with their cute little cherub children. I would also like to note my love for this photo, another thing I can't get enough of, old photos!
