Old Times +

Old-TimeI found these images while perusing Flickr the other day. I have a major soft-spot for old images so I grabbed a few to put in my idea bin and then ended up making this.

PS -- these photos belong to The Royal Library of Denmark and have no known copyright restrictions, sooooo, if you feel inspired, make something with them, woo!

[1, 2, 3, 4. Design & Layout by BDR]

A New Addition // a paper cutter (that cuts a million sheets at a time)

Paper-CutterTeam, meet my new paper cutter!

I went down to Portland this weekend to pick this baby up from Joke -- OMG, it is everything thing that I dreamed of, and more. It's like a printers wet-dream. My God, this thing is amazing. Once I got it home and in position I had to take it for a spin -- I promptly grabbed a huge stack of my scrap paper and clamped it down -- to my shock/amazement (I didn't know what to expect) it sliced through the paper like butter. GAH! Do you know how much time this is going to save me? Hours I tell you, hours! Many of them, it is going to be awesome!

A huge thanks to Joke for thinking of me and selling this to me, I cannot tell you how excited that I am -- super, extra excited is a start.

[source, image by BDR]

Blue Skies

blue skiesI decided that I need to draw more. I know that this isn't a drawing, but it sort of is ... and one of my favorite things to do it to hand letter things. So, a new goal for myself: draw, illustrate or hand draw something once a week.

[image and lettering by BDR]