Angela + Jake | wedding invitations

JA_01JA_05 JA_02 JA_03 JA_04 I now pronounce them husband and wife, therefore, I will publish their wedding invitations to the webs!

Jake is my cousin, and I offered to create their wedding invites the day he proposed to Angela ... okay maybe that is an exaggeration, but it was a while ago. Lucky for me, they said yes! They are a super fun couple so I knew that I would have a lot of creative freedom with the design. Jake is from the Seattle area, and Angela, well she's from everywhere. When I asked them what they were going for with the theme of their wedding they said: Seattle, fun and pink (that was more Angela than Jake, you may have guessed that). They were married on Sunday, July 3rd in Georgetown (a super hip part of South Seattle).

I wish them the best in their marriage and I am so happy I was able to be apart of it. Cheers to the bride and groom!

[images by BDR]

Happy 4th!

4th-of-julyTo quote Katy Perry, come on, let your colors burst! Happy 4th everybody!

Welcome to my favorite holiday EVER! I would love to say that it's due to our nations independence, but I have to admit, it's less about that and more about the events of the day. I always find myself surrounded by my favorite people, eating great food and laughing into the night while watching fireworks. Enjoy the day, you know I will be :)

[images + layout by BDR]

Friday Fun Day // Happy Almost 4th!

Ewa-FridayIs it Friday again?!? Yes, yes it is! Woot! What's everyone got planned this weekend? Hey Independence Day, I see you!

I'm headed back to Eastern Washington to sun myself, followed by a river rafting trip down the Wenatchee, followed by some printing (yes, I do work, not just travel), followed by celebrating my cousin and his marriage (which means that I can finally show you his awesome invites on Tuesday!), then followed by a day trip to Vashon Island to celebrate my favorite holiday ever, the 4th! I love fireworks, like a lot. This 4th will be bitter-sweet though, the party will double as a farewell party to my bestie Eva who is moving in three weeks, tear.

Have a great weekend everybody, see you Monday (sort of)!

[image by LeBam]