Yow! More stuff has been added to the shop! I think I might like stripes almost as much as I like circles, it's a tough call.
[design, printing and images by BDR]
Yow! More stuff has been added to the shop! I think I might like stripes almost as much as I like circles, it's a tough call.
[design, printing and images by BDR]
Why are dots so freaking cool?! I don't know what it is, but this simple shape gets-my-goat every time!
Want some letterpress polka-dots notes of your own? They're in the shop waiting for you -- I'll be selling sets of 10 for $20, pretty blue envelopes included.
[design, printing and images by BDR]
Since I am out and about in DC, I decided that now would be a good time to play catch-up. I have designed and printed a billion (exaggeration) things that I have yet to share here. So, in the next few days, I will be posting a few of those things, and I will be back next week with a full recap of our adventures here in DC.
BulaWorks is my dad's business. I am guessing you have noticed my name is also on one those cards. For the past four years I have been working with my dad as the Creative Lead on his team. He does the nitty-gritty coding and search engine optimization stuff (that makes no sense to me), and I make sure it all looks pretty :)
[design, printing and images by BDR]