Funday Friday // workin'!

Vandy PolaroidIt's a good thing that I love the work that I do, because this weekend is going to be full of it! This is the final push to gear up for the Holidays, so wish me luck -- I've got a lot to get done!

layoff me, i'm starving!

apt2bOne, don't these scones from Yossy at Apt. 2B look divine?! And two, don't you love her photos!? I'm working on a new banner for her blog and some packaging for her jam, so she sent me a few of these gems to help get me inspired, and inspired I am! And hungry too.

[photos courtesy of Yossy]

Tony Moses Fitness

TMFHere's a fun-fact for you all: I have arthritis in my low back, like an old lady! It sounds like it sucks (and it does at times), but if I weren't such an old-maid then I would have never met Tony! After a year of ignoring my pain, and another year of physical therapy I found that the best way to make my back feel better was to lift weights. So I joined a fancy gym and then met Tony -- who I have since tricked into being one of my clients ;-)

Tony asked me to help him brand his personal training business, so here is a little glimpse at the beginning of it. I cannot take credit for that awesome photo, but I can take credit for the logo. We're currently working on finishing up his new website, some t-shirts and business cards ... all that awesome stuff.

And for any of you who live in Seattle that need a little lovins in the workout area, you let me know, Tony is the bomb.