
pigeonI love pigeons. Most people hate them, a probably because they can be described like this (thank you Urban Dictionary): "A small feathered creature that eats french fries and like to defaecate on top of people, cars and important things. A subspecies of bird. Also known as the feathered rat or gutter bird."

Whateves. Did you also know that they are Rock Doves, you hear that, doves (classy, right!)? And back in the day people didn't hate them and they fed them snacks with their cute little cherub children. I would also like to note my love for this photo, another thing I can't get enough of, old photos!


Collection // Little Boxes

little boxesFor those of you who don't know, I love collections. You wouldn't know at first glance, my cottage isn't big enough to hold a collection of any sort ... well ... there is the the exception of my closet. But even then, my collection of shoes has spilled out of my closet, onto our shelves and into a chest that sits under my desk at work. But this isn't my point. Cooper's mom is a antique dealer, and holy cow, does she have some collections. I found an entire drawer of these cute little boxes tucked away and had to snag them. Each one has something about it that makes me swoon.

Draw More

drawmoreIsn't this cool?! Noni and I went for coffee one morning as this was decorating the wall behind the sugar/milk station. I love them, and they make me want to draw more -- which I can say that I actually did on my flight home last night!