Gone Camping

camping Happy Friday everyone! I hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead! Cooper and I are off to Eastern Washington to catch some rays -- originally we had planned to go to the house on the peninsula, but with this non-summer summer that we've been having, decided it would be best to head somewhere with vitamin D.

I hope you all have a great weekend, what will you be up to!?


Lights, camera, action!

tumblr_lawmrrcERd1qzdulpo1_1280_largeI am super excited to report that I will be filming a video this weekend! I recently designed some wedding invitations and a pal of mine is going to document them coming to life -- I cannot wait to show you how the magic happens!


Friday Fun Day with Harry Potter!

FFD-harry-potterI'm up and off to go see Harry Potter 7.2 with Eva this morning, oh man, I am so excited!

Today will be a busy day, I've got HP, two client meetings, three sets of stationery to cut down, one set of edges to guild and a going away party for Eva + Sam. Like woah, I better get started.

Have a great weekend and I will see you Monday (from wine country, aka Sonoma, CA).
