Friday Fun Day

bdrWaist_GRHappy Friday my friends! I am headed to Port Angeles for the weekend to enjoy some friends and relaxation, and a lot of fun!

I'll be back Monday to announce the winners/recipients of the 'You Go Girl' print. Have a great weekend!

[photo by BDR]

You Go Girl! Time for a GIVE-AWAY!

You Go Girl | CloseYou Go Girl | All This little saying is familiar to all of us, but has a special little spot in my heart. When I was 12 (or maybe 14, who knows), I did my first sprint triathlon ... it happened to be the Danskin, hellllooo ladies! My dad came to spectate and was overwhelmed by the amount of you go girl's that he heard -- ever since it's been a staple in the father/daughter banter. This one's for you daddy-o!

Also! I have two extra prints, so I thought I would do a little give-away. Leave a comment here and I will pick a winner (randomly of course) on Monday, June 13.

[photos + print by BDR]