I want to ...

AmeliaGraceEveryone, meet Amelia Grace. She is the brain-child behind this awesome drawing. I wish I could draw like a kid again -- it's fearless. They just make it work and I love that. I sit down with a pen and say, 'I am going to draw a face,' then I freeze. It's like I forgot where to start ... with a line would be good, but you get what I mean. I get caught up in making it perfect when what I need to remember is that nothing is perfect, not even Michelangelo. So, next time I draw, it will be while channeling my favorite six-year-old, Amelia G.

A huge thanks to AG for the drawing (not that she is going to see this, last time I checked six-year-old's don't follow blogs ...)!

PS. Do you see that side-pony? And the curly-ques in the names, ahh, so cute!

[drawing by AG, layout by BDR]

Summer School PDX = Great Success!

PDX-summer-school01PDX-summer-school Summer School PDX was a great success. I met so many great people, found so many new ideas and feel refreshed and inspired. I just love learning! I hope that I am able to take what I learned and share it with you all here. Some of it was just knowledge; how to organize my thoughts, come up with original and unique content, etc. But other stuff was tactile, very craft-tastic -- so be on the lookout my friends, I have ideas and they are going to be shared!

A huge thanks to Joy, Joke and Sally, I hope to see/work/be inspired by you soon!

I am in transit to D.C. as I type, should be a fun and quick trip with Mrs. Burns.

[images by BDR]