Vacation, I Miss You

VacaMiss_02VacaMiss_04 VacaMiss_06 VacaMiss_03 VacaMiss_01 Here are a few snapshots from the last hoo-rah of my vacation. We started our trip in Victoria -- had a dance party, slept a little, and ate poutine. Then we got on the boat, went to Roche Harbor to stock up on rations (okay, mainly just beer), and made our way to Stewart Island for some campfire-ing.

I think that last photo is trying to tell me something, I don't want to listen :)

[photos by BDRstudio]

Super Awesome Business Cards

Oh wow, look what I just found! Well actually more like, look what I just found on Oh So Beautiful Paper. These business cards are AMAZING. StudioSAVVY is the brain behind the idea to laminate two sheets of white paper, and sandwich a black sheet in the middle. So smart, I want to do that!!! Here is the note from the designer, it makes more sense from her:

The cards were printed on a privately-owned let­ter­press by a friend of a friend. We used 92# Reich Savoy for the top and bot­tom lay­ers, and I had him sand­wich in a 100# cover sheet of French Paper’s pop-tone in black licorice. Over­all there are 8 cards involv­ing 4 com­pli­men­tary sets of icons for my busi­ness part­ner and me.

[images by StudioSAVVY via Oh So Beautiful Paper.]