Staying Afloat

Marina03_bouye PacBanker Tromso SouthWind Oh hello! So it turns out that buisness is booming, ow ow! But that means blogger fail. But hey, things could be worse, right? Now, to get things back on track ...

I spent the Thanksgiving holiday in Ucluelet, BC (Oh Canada!) with some dear friends and we had a few moments to bum around the marina. Here are a few shots of the inspiration that was found.

I heart the hand painted letters. And the deterioration. And the colors. :)

[photos by BDR]

A Little Bit of Love.

WindowDarlingsA huge thanks goes out to Angela and her peeps over at Window Darlings. She gave me a little shout-out on Monday, and I couldn't be more thankful!

Angela and I have been working together on a little something (that will someday grace this web-log) for about a year now -- it has been an amazing experience. You can check out more of her work here, and also be sure to stop in at Red Ticking to see the beautiful window display that her and her team just completed!

[photo by Red Ticking]