Happy 4th!

4th-of-julyTo quote Katy Perry, come on, let your colors burst! Happy 4th everybody!

Welcome to my favorite holiday EVER! I would love to say that it's due to our nations independence, but I have to admit, it's less about that and more about the events of the day. I always find myself surrounded by my favorite people, eating great food and laughing into the night while watching fireworks. Enjoy the day, you know I will be :)

[images + layout by BDR]

Friday Fun Day // Happy Almost 4th!

Ewa-FridayIs it Friday again?!? Yes, yes it is! Woot! What's everyone got planned this weekend? Hey Independence Day, I see you!

I'm headed back to Eastern Washington to sun myself, followed by a river rafting trip down the Wenatchee, followed by some printing (yes, I do work, not just travel), followed by celebrating my cousin and his marriage (which means that I can finally show you his awesome invites on Tuesday!), then followed by a day trip to Vashon Island to celebrate my favorite holiday ever, the 4th! I love fireworks, like a lot. This 4th will be bitter-sweet though, the party will double as a farewell party to my bestie Eva who is moving in three weeks, tear.

Have a great weekend everybody, see you Monday (sort of)!

[image by LeBam]

D.C. // Recap Part 3

DC-recap-03 Are you overstimulated yet? Oh good, because there's more!

DC-recap-03-01 On our last day in D.C. we were lucky enough to have a private tour of the Capitol Building. Wow. Talk about detail. I couldn't stop looking in all the nooks and crannies! I took so many photos, hoping to capture half of the awesomeness that is in there -- I think I did an okay job but it's definitely on my list of things to do again. For me, it's like watching a good movie, I always pick-up on the best parts the second time around.

[images by BDR]