D.C. // Recap Part 2

DC-recap-02During our trip Eva and I did a lot of eating. One of my favorite places was Ted's Bulletin on Capitol Hill. We had a late start to the day and a tour of the Capitol in the early afternoon, so we thought we'd spend the morning (more like mid-day) eating brunch, drinking too much coffee and devouring home made pop tarts! YUM!

[images by BDR]

D.C. // Recap Part 1

DC-Eva-HarvardHallDC-Cafe DC-Perrys Day 1 of D.C. was crazy. Mainly because the first half of it seemed like a fake day. Eva and I took the red-eye flight out of Seattle on Sunday, layover and all. Woah, it was a long night/morning/day. A dear friend of ours let us crash at his place in Arlington, so we popped in, changed our clothes and headed straight to our first apartment appointment. For those of you who don't know, my bestie Eva and her husband Sam are moving to D.C. (Sam got into med school, holler!). Sam couldn't make the trip out to look for apartments, so I was his stand-in.

Lucky for us (mainly for Eva), the first apartment we looked at was BOMB! Signed, sealed, delivered! What could have been a long long few days, turned into a perfect little trip.

To celebrate Eva + Sam's new home, we went to the zoo, grabbed a cold beer at a nearby cafe and then washed it all down with cocktails and sushi on the rooftop of Perrys.

[images by BDR]

Friday Fun Day // Eastern Washington Style

C-BarHappy Friday y'all! What a week. I am back from D.C. and headed to Eastern Washington to finish out the week and then my travels are done ... for 4 days anyway!

Have a great weekend and see you next week! A D.C. re-cap will be in full effect.

[images and layout by BDR]