pool PARTY

Off to the pool with Eva, for some sunshine, relaxing, and excellent people watching! Then tonight, we shall see where the tides take us, more gal pals on their way! Pool Party [image via FashionGoneRogue]

the weekend, the weekend

Tin TableVoo Doo I had a great weekend. Super great in fact. Yossy was here (and Pete too, hip hip hooray!), so that made things awesome automatically. We did a lot of stuff -- too much to write. That isn't true, I could write it, but I am tired (and I am planning on telling you with photos, so I don't want to spoil anything). So, I am leaving you with this: two snap shots of my weekend. The first is from the Tin Table where we had a little pick-me-up, and the second is from my studio. I was printing on Sunday and that Voodoo doll was staring at me!

PS. If you are wondering why I have Voodoo doll, a friend gave it to me when I was a kid -- I am too superstitious to get rid of it :)

[photo's by BDR]